Band Notes — week of 04.28.19

Just when we thought the snow was gone…

Good grief!

All bands will be continuing to focus on “INTONQUARTICUPHRADY” this quarter (INTONation, TONe quality, ARTICUlation, PHRAsing, Dynamics). We will continue with dynamics and phrasing (musical sentences—where to breathe), articulations (tonguing/slurring), and also discuss various tempo terms. These are things that we have been working on all year, but will be applying them to different songs in the method book. 6th graders were also asked to create their own variation on a previously learned song (we are discussing theme and variations).

8th Grade and Jazz  Concert May 8th!
Students need to arrive at 5:30 for warm-ups and tuning, and the performance will begin at 7:00 pm. All students need to be in full uniform, and must help with putting their chairs and stands away after the concert.

Any 8th graders that are in Jazz Band should wear their Jazz Band shirt.

Outside of study hall, our only other rehearsal before our concert is May 6th–and it is my understanding that there is an away track meet that day. If it is at all possible for students to get driven to the meet instead of taking the bus, I would like to see the students until 3:30. Please discuss this with your track coaches and let me know as soon as possible if this affects you so I can plan accordingly!!

6th and 7th Grade
are preparing for their playing quiz in May. This is an excerpt from the yellow book. 6th grade will be doing #106 “March Militaire” and 7th grade will be doing #157 “Egyptian Dance.” Both bands will also be doing their chromatic scale.

If you have received an invite to play at Promotion, Please let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you cannot attend so we can fill your spot with the next person in line. All information was on the form sent home. The date of promotion this year is May 23.

As always, if you have any questions, please e-mail me, as that is the best way to reach me.

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