Band Notes–Week of 11.18.19

Greetings everyone!

THIS WEDNESDAY is our 7th and 8th grade band concert!

Please refer to the information that was sent home or that is on our band website under the “forms” tab. ( Students MUST be in FULL uniform—no exceptions! 5:30pm call time, 7:00 performance start. We are going to have a great performance!

6th Grade Band Concert
The information sheet for the 6th grade/Jazz concert will be coming home today/tomorrow. I am still in need of 6th graders that can arrive at 4:45 to help set up. They should NOT arrive any sooner, as we will not be in the building. This information is also under the “forms” tab of our website.

FlipGrid Quiz Reminders:

There are still a number of students that have not completed the playing quiz that was due on Friday (6th grade). Students have had 3 weeks and in some cases over a month to complete this quiz at home or during study hall. Check the Home Access Center frequently, so you can communicate your successes and concerns with your student. As they should be practicing at home a minimum of 3 days a week, this should be an easy assignment to complete in the amount of time given.

8th Grade Band Contest—Feb. 22!

As stated in the handbook back in August, the 8th grade will be attending the Plainfield Band Festival (contest) on Saturday, Feb. 22. This is a MANDATORY event, so if you did not pen it in back in August, please do so immediately! Students will compete as a band, be adjudicated, and attend a clinic following the performance. I do not have times yet, but you should plan on blocking out the entire day.

They will be receiving their music for this at the end of this week with an assignment sheet as far as how to practice and which sections will count for their FlipGrid quizzes for 3rd quarter. As always, they should be listening to the recordings that will be posted on our band website. All FlipGrid quizzes will be due by February 7th for these 3 songs. That will give them 2 ½ months to complete them!!

I am looking forward to seeing many of you next Monday/Tuesday for conferences, and per the email I sent out a few weeks ago, if we cannot meet and you would like to email or have a phone conference, I will be more than happy to connect with you sometime this week.

Thank you, and have a wonderful week!

-Mrs. Bedore 😊

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